
Notebook 48 Pg 56

  • First Stonecaster Corporation
  • Jesus said you shall not marry after divorce, so Mandela is a sinner
  • 'It doesn't say what it says it says
  • 'Saying scripture is wrong means you don't understand what its says
  • Church founded on the desires of a murderer and unelected monarch to have open sexual reltions
  • I have yet to have one single oppressed person come to me and say 'Archbishop Tutu youa re getting too inolved in politics' this is said only by those with the comfort of middle class
  • Jesus was a radical
  • 'This earth is not heaen and was never meant to be - Ann Widdercombe
  • 'That's just an excuse not to tackle things' - Archbishop Tutu in response to above

First Stonecaster Corporation
I think this may one day pop up in a potentially not very subtle, moralizing, metaphor heavy short story I will write

Jesus said you shall not marry after divorce So Mandella is a sinner
Self-explanatory and highlights the contradiction inherent in many of the worlds scriptures

'It doesn't say what it says it says'
I think this is a genuine reply from one of the theologians being interviewed on the BBC R4 documentary I was listening to. I keep re-reading it in the hope it will make some sense. It fails to do so.

'Saying scripture is wrong means you don't understand what its says'
As above, I struggle very hard to make sense of what this actually means as surely this and the above is just shorthand for 'scripture means whatever I decide it means' which is downright scary.

Church founded on the desire of a murderous unelected monarch to have open sexual relations

I'm guessing the Church of England would probably not see it like this.

"I have yet to have one single oppressed person come to me and say 'Archbishop Tutu you are getting too involved in politics!' this is said only by those with the comfort of middle class' - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Regardless of your thoughts and feelings towards his beliefs I think you have to put the man up there as a world class exemplary Human being.

Jesus was a radical
Desmond Tutu defending his stance

'This earth is not heaven and was never meant to be' Ann Widdercombe
Oh Ann Ann Ann what can I say..?

'That's just an excuse not to tackle things'  Archbishop Tutu in response to the above
No worries Ann I think Desmond has said it all for me.

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