- The number of fluffy toys on your desk is in direct inverse proportion to your niceness
- There never was a philosopher yet that could bear a toothache patiently
- A college of witcrackers can not flout me out of my humour
- I have an allergic reaction to conferred power
- Power bowing
- Rich lithe and languid or spoilt, thin and lazy?
- It appears to me that intelligence equals how quickly you realise that maybe you are talking a load of rubbish whilst you are talking said load of rubbish
- Never underestimate the power of a hackneyed worn out old phrase
- I've just heard about the 1st International sneaker battle
- Down, down, down, down, down. Spiral of loose threads become an ever tightening noose
-The Commentary-
The number of fluffy toys on your desk is in direct inverse proportion to your niceness
Yep, this holds true. Plus when you tell them you get to while away a few hours in the office listening to the howls of protest coming from behind their troll and saccharine-bear festooned mounds.
There never was a philosopher yet that could bear a toothache patiently
Ain't nothing ever come out of my head that I haven't found out later to have come out of Shakespeare's balding noggin five hundred years earlier and as many times better.
A college of witcrackers can not flout me out of my humour
Another gem. The only thing I could think would be rubbish about being Shakespeare would be on all your friend's birthdays etc. The weight of expectation when they opened the card would be way too much. He could never just write 'have a good one, Love Bill' could he?
Allergic reaction to conferred power
In my experience the further you go up the ladder the further away you get from the problems you are supposed to be solving.Thus I have decided I am one of life's Sergeants, positions above and below which are 'too short for Dick and too Long for Richard' as a wise man once said.
Power bowing
No idea, perhaps I was trying to crack the difficult Japanese business exercise market?
Rich, lithe and languid or spoilt, thin and lazy?
I believe I was wandering down Park Avenue when I had this duality of mind and tried to find two equally descriptive but disparate ways of looking at Ladies who lunch.
It appears to me that intelligence equals how quickly you realise that maybe you are talking a load of rubbish whilst you are talking a load of rubbish.
I may start preceding entries like this with OQ to signify that I believe this to be an original quote, or am I indeed talking a load of rubbish?
Never underestimate the power of a hackneyed worn out old phrase.
Was I wrong?
I've just heard about the 1st International sneaker battle (at a celebrity car show)
Alas I never made it. But I found this to prove it wasn't the ravings resulting from nocturnal cheese.
Down, down, down, down, down . Spiral loose threads become an ever tightening noose.
Nothing like ending a page on a high note.
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