
Notebook 08 Pg 43

The notes:
  • Hershey's sponsoring the Tooth fairy
  • Advertising proof vest
  • Greydar - for detecting boredom makers
  • Allowing people to carry knives but not with a handle
  • Dark glasses that flash the words 'I'm a complete prat' if worn indoors
  • Harsh but fair Fortune Cookies
The comments

Hershey's sponsoring Tooth fairy
I think I was trying to dream up ideas for apposite advertising. I would like to think I could have come up with at least more than one before abandoning the project.

Advertising proof vest
I should go and invent one of these as I am sure many people would pay good money for one.

Greydar - for detecting boredom makers
I have no idea where I was going with this - except if I had one it would go off all the time as I am often guilty of boring myself.

Allowing people to carry knives but not with a handle
I think this would be a good idea - it is amazing how the prospect of slicing your own palm limits your eagerness to wield a blade

Dark glasses that flash the words 'I'm a complete prat' if worn indoors
Okay who is going to be the first to suggests sending a pair to (insert celebrity name here)?

Harsh but fair Fortune Cookies
This would be branded as 'Tough Cookies' and would say things like 'sorry you have not gained any practical insight or wisdom this time', please try again or log onto; www.ishouldnottryandsubvertthelawsoftheuniverse.com


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