
Notebook 12 Pg 89

  • Destroy all files
  • Governor God
  • Universe as a Carnot work cycle (portions of the system responsible for turning energy into work)important bits
  • Knewer
  • Tight beam, regular pulse
  • You replace things when they are better not newer
  • One big thought experiment
  • Orgasm male transition from subject to object

Destroy all files
No idea what this relates to, perhaps I was issuing orders to my imaginary minions as another of my world domination plots was about to go tits up

Governor God
I think this relates to my concept that if God does exists then he / she is probably a bit like any other governor of an organisation and doesn't necessarily want to get emails /prayers for every single thing like the water cooler needing a new large plastic six gallon container that goes 'burlurrrp'

Universe as a Carnot work cycle (portions of the system responsible for turning energy into work)important bits
 I was thinking of this not this - though actually either would do.

Your daily neologism, written as usual with neither context nor inference as to application.

Tight beam, regular pulse
hmm maybe something to do with synthetic aperture radar which can produce amazing images such as this one of Venus whose colours just happen to compliments my blog

You replace things when they are better not newer 
Alas most of us Humans now do exactly the opposite

One big thought experiment
I think I may have been thinking (I know I shouldn't) that maybe the entire Universe was one big one of these, to be honest occasionally I still do.

Orgasm male transition from subject to object 
Sounds like something my dear old Grammar would be shocked to hear me talking about.
Sorry but I have nor real idea what I was trying to say here.


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