
Notebook 04 Pg 10

  • "He was thirteen of the most interesting men I ever met" 
  • illegible scribble  since pantyhose
  • Make the impossible seem possible = politics
  • Human license
  • Gays, guns and God
  • All hat and no cattle
  • 'Fanny patting' = photo opportunities with influential people

"He was thirteen of the most interesting men I ever met"  
This was said about Lyndon Johnson and makes for a brilliant back-handed compliment.

illegible scribble  since pantyhose
I have tried to decipher the illegible scribble bit alas to no avail, so I'm afraid we shall never know what it was that was whatever it was since pantyhose.

Make the impossible seem possible = politics
A pragmatists view.

Human license
I think this was written whilst under one of my more despairing clouds. I still think it may have merit and that humans should have to earn the right to call themselves such, I can think of no system other then outdated hereditary monarchy where one gets automatic privileges simply on account of being born. I guess it is just a fairly extreme form of with rights come responsibilities. Or maybe I am moving from a young man sowing wild oats to an old man growing sage.

Gays, guns and God
I think this was the first time I had heard about the three G's and how opinions and beliefs about them play such a  pivotal American  politics.

All hat and no cattle
Back to Lyndon Johnson only this was a quote he would use about other people, I think the English equivalent would be 'they talk a good game'.

'Fanny patting' = photo opportunities with influential people
This was another of Lyndon Johnson's phrase, obviously fanny is relating to the American use of the word not the British, though judging by the sheer shameless obsequiousness on display at these events I'm not so sure.

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