
Notebook 07 Pg 22

The notes
  • True initiation never ends
  • Global Clarity
  • Know all you tell, don't tell all you know
  • Curried notebooks, I am yet to be convinced of their applicability to the sum of Human good
  • Maladaptive patterns of behaviour
  • Philosophical masturbation 
  • Every revelation unfolds new revelations and so on ad infinitum
  • Rick Wakeman's brother
The commentary

True initiation never ends
One of my favourite pearls of wisdom passed on by the late and genuinely pretty great Uncle Bob (who, incidentally absolutely hated anyone thinking him as any kind of guru at all at all, as shown by his oft  repeated dictum "a follower is just an asshole looking to attach itself to someone". I miss him.

Global Clarity
How about some of that? Imagine waking up and the whole planet had gone and got itself some clarity and self-awareness.

Know all you tell, don't tell all you know
Yep, ties in with another of Uncle Bob's sayings (which was on a sign on his desk as a constant reminder) 'if you think you know what is going on you are probably full of shit'.

Curried notebooks, I am yet to be convinced of their applicability to the sum of Human good.
I hold to this fairly uncontroversial opinion - I'm guessing have dreamt or dropped curry and infused it onto my notebook. 

Maladaptive patterns of behaviour
Watch out for them, they are tricksy buggers and are very good at hiding.

Philosophical masturbation 
Wonder how long it took me to knock this out? A bit of a lazy phrase that should be used with real caution as it often has a big wanker sign attached to it that points back at the user.

Every revelation unfolds new revelations and so on ad infinitum 
Isn't it always the way? Every time we figure something out it turns out that inside it there is a a whole 'nother heap off stuff even more tangled and complex. It is as if the Universe was made and designed by this chap;

Rick Wakeman's brother
No disrespect to whoever he is (Googling has drawn a blank)  but this seems a bit of an anti climax after all of the above. Ho hum.


Notebook 03 Pg 03

 The notes
  • "Doesn't  matter how big your balls are Rupert you still end up a shriveled useless dick"
  • "Revolutionary Socialism -Moralism and passion remain but are rendered impotent by lack of intellect and organisation" Martin Wolf Chief Economic commentator Financial Times
  • EX - Active (Actrovert) / IN Receptive  (Reciptrovert)
  • The origin of special special species
  • Memes selected for memetic fitness -> Host organism
  • Leo if you build this you are going to make a right prat of yourself
 The comments

"Doesn't  matter how big your balls are Rupert you still end up a shriveled useless dick"
 I think we can guess there is pretty much only one Rupert this could be referring to - Yeah! You go Vince. Sticking it to the man with caustic observations hidden away in notebooks

"Revolutionary Socialism - Moralism and passion remain but are rendered impotent by lack of intellect and organisation". Martin Wolf Chief Economic commentator Financial Times
An observation as to why so many revolutions end in failure. Although if you do believe in sticking it to the The Man then your man Martin ain't the man likely to be sticking up for you

EX - Active (Actroverts) / IN Receptive (Reciptroverts)
No idea quite what I was aiming for here. Maybe a long time ago in a land called Psychobabylon  the Actroverts were busy sticking it to the Reciptroverts...
I think this was yet another attempt to break through the limits of language by utilising the 'making shit up' method

The origin of special special species
This is post-modern correctness gone mad! I honestly don't know if I was ridiculing hard Darwinism or championing it.

Memes selected for memetic fitness - Host organism
You see what our collective minds have done here? They have invented the concept of memes - (itself a meme) as a form of abstractly describing abstractions - which I know is way too much to have to bother our poor liddle heeds with here, but is a form of meta self-awareness which I think has enormous implications for our future potential as a species.But then what do I know?  I am a man who once was sat quietly reading a book and stroking my dog, I began to feel itchy, and fearing fleas (unfoundedly) without pausing I started to furiously scratch in exactly the same way all my hominid ancestors had for million of years. At which point I realised we really are where the rising ape meeting the falling angel

"Leo if you build this you are going to make a right prat of yourself."

I watched a BBC documentary where they attempted to rebuild machines from the past. In this particular episode they attempted to construct this 80 Foot (24 Metre) Crossbow designed by every one's favourite genius.

For idea of scale look at the man winding the windlass

The above quote is what the practical 21th century Civil Engineer who was working on the project guessed  his practical Civil Engineer 14th century counterpart would have quickly said to Leonardo upon being asked to construct this completely unwieldy and wholly unusable device.


Notebook 42 Pg 44

The notes
  • Granny Fanny
  • Boxer hammering ring
  • Meanwhile in another part of the forest
  • Ordinary girl
  • 'Let not your ears despise my tongue forever'
  • Dictatorships don't happen when you have smart Beta Males
  • Pelicans following her
The comments

Granny Fanny
 I am very much hoping I wrote this because I met a very proud grand mother and I liked the mellifluous aspect of her title.

Boxer hammering ring
 Again I am very much hoping this was something to do with the ancient art of pugilism.

Meanwhile in another part of the forest
Perhaps a lighter side of my brain was trying to drag me away from the potential murky darkness of the above.

Ordinary girl
Whoever she was I am fairly sure she wouldn't thank me for this only-barely-a-description description. 

'Let not your ears despise my tongue forever'
Quotation from  Mac the Scottish play. Useful to quote if one is about to impart bad news to someone - unless it is really urgent bad news then I would advise dispensing with it as no one likes a clever clogs especially one delivering bad news

Dictatorships don't happen when you have smart Beta Males
Anthropologically sound - I am unhappy with Alpha Males in general as they do seem to be a lot more trouble then they are worth - in fact their entire reason for being seems to be to protect us from other Alpha males, which begs the question.... So a bunch of smart Beta males will know how best to keep old shouty-chest-beater contained; trowelled on flattery and baubles usually does the trick

Pelicans following her
At first I couldn't work this out at all, Googling brought me this but I have never seen this photo ever  and it gives me even less context. Then I remembered I had heard it used as a sexual slur... Is there any mitigation at all in my being deeply ashamed?


Notebook 20 Pg 44

The  notes
  • 356,000 miles per second per second
  • The ony way to achieve the speed of light is to have less and less mass at end. To cross over you must have no mass.
  • Dungenesque
  • Computational complexity theory - what resources? (time memory enrgy etc)
  • The infinite multiples of the multiverse become the infinite variations of the actual (our) Universe
  • Like shouting at people to go to sleep
  • X-Files - Believe nothing they say' = That's not skepticism that's credulity in reverse.
  • Velcro pockets
The commentary

356,000 miles per second per second
The speed of light, the fastest anything can travel in the known Universe. A very close second is the speed between the Daily Mail printing an article on immigration and receiving its first outraged letter.

The only way to achieve the speed of light is to have less and less mass at end. 
To cross over you must have no mass.
Obviously this was a whole day spent attempting to find ways to overturn the fundamental laws of the Universe.

There is a nuclear powers station  in Dungeness so this could be in relation to the above, but I like to think I coined this neologism as a tribute to the ethereal other worldly beauty of the land (or mind)scape.

Computational complexity theory - what resources? (time memory enrgy etc)
I assume these are just some jottings I put down whilst I awaited completion of my huge secret underground base.

The infinite multiples of the multiverse become the infinite variations of the actual (our) Universe
This could be true and I will prove it just as soon as we develop the capacity to pop in to the Universe next-door.

Like shouting at people to go to sleep
A metaphor for exacerbating situations.

X-Files: "Believe nothing they say" = That's not skepticism that's credulity in reverse.
On par with the phrase if you believe in nothing you will believe anything.

Velcro pockets
Another money spinner that quite rightly never left the Research & Development Centre in my head.


Notebook 45 Pg 24

The Notes
    Loneliness, poverty and pain make a mockery of what human life can be' Bertrand Russell
  • Mystic miniature -life ecstasy
  • Issues
  • Kneesy Ears Nosey
  • Bath City Interactors
  • High City Five
  • L5
  • Metanoid = Regard everybody as a potential saint or genius 
  • Everything is connected in a divine, optimistic way
The commentary

'Loneliness, poverty and pain make a mockery of what human life can be.' Bertrand Russell
Ain't nothing I can add .

Mystic miniature -life ecstasy
Ain't nothing I can add that would make any sense of what ever this meant.

I guess if you have issues then making a list may be a good way of starting to working them through. However simply writing down the word issues probably has minimal impact.

 Kneesy Earsy Nosey
Must be this;

Bath City Interactors
No idea? Maybe a name I made up for a theoretical sports team?

High City Five
Perhaps they played the Bath City Interactors in the All In My Head Cup Final.

I'm fairly sure I was referring to this in regards to a possible way for those of us of a less violent, angry and dare I say it primitive disposition to get off this oft-seeming planet of the ding bats.

Metanoid = Regard everybody as a potential saint or genius
Some of us were very lucky to study under Uncle Bob in his online academy in the last few years of his life. This was something he promoted as an alternative to the widespread paranoid mind set that causes such grief in our time.

Everything is connected but in a divine, optimistic way
And this was his alternative to the conspiracy mind set.


Notebook 02 Pg 04

 The Notes

  • Remove all constitutional aspects of the title, reborn as a figurative Sun King, inverse pluribus  summon
  • Self regicide
  • The kiss key
  • King Reggy Side
  • Prada Meinhoff
  • "The point is it's absolutely pointless" - Ian Duncan-Smith 20/06/2003 BBC Radio 5
  • How do you prove celibacy?
  • De Lawd
  • 13m Spanner
The commentary

Uh oh, I think I may have been passing through a maybe I am King of Everything phase. I know my first name in Latin is the same as William which means conqueror and I know Plato talks about the wisest rulers being 'Philosopher Kings' (he would though wouldn't he?). I also know that the answer from any wise person I have seen who has been asked the question 'what is the first thing you would do if you were President (King)?  has been 'resign'. Thus a real philosopher king would know the inherent inequality of Kings. And Kings are always changing their names when they inherit the crown. And Kings are supposed to be an expression of  the will of the people. Thus Will I am the Last. 
At least give me points for remembering all this.

I can't remember this but it does seem accurate.

Remove all constitutional aspects of the title, reborn as a figurative Sun King, inverse pluribus  summon
So here I am sitting in my castle in the sky, giving make believe orders from a make believe throne to make believe subject, I'm guessing the inverse pluribus summon bit is a contrived reference to this.
I am guessing I was trying to tie in George Washington and his emulation with one of my great great heroes Cincinnatus.

Self regicide
See above, though I never went through with it, what with not being made King of Everything and all.

The kiss key
Your guess is as good as mine.

King Reggy Side
Still on about the King stuff, though now reduced to awful punishing puns.

Prada Meinhoff
A clever play on words to may describe those who insist on commiting random acts of fashion carnage which may have been quite witty if the Baader Meinhoff gang hadn't ceased to exist thirty years ago. I suppose retro is very now though.

"The point is it's absolutely pointless" - Ian Duncan-Smith 20/06/2003 BBC Radio 5
I guess it is absolutely pointless for me to point out why I thought his point was worth pointing out.

How do you prove celibacy?
Your suggestions welcome.

De Lawd
Coming soon...The French detective you can thank, praise and put your trust in.

13m Spanner
I am taking a stab (sorry) that this maybe something to do with the cost of Operation Spanner and its subsequent implications on civil liberty, freedom and fundamental Human rights, or it could be a reminder that I needed a 13mil spanner for something.


Notebook 12 Pge 170

The notes
  • When you're hanging on by your fingernails best not to wave your arms around
  • Smallest complete ethical statement possible
  • Unit of mind
  • Flat Pack navy
  • Like commemorating the life of James Joyce with a celebratory Monster Truck rally
  • That's put a crack in your PlayStation
  • Uncle Archy Archy Witchetty Grub 
  • Geckos lick there own eyeballs
  • 18,003 eyes
The commentary

When you're hanging on by your fingernails best not to wave your arms around
Sage advice 

Smallest complete ethical statement possible
In my current mixed state of knowing I would say that the smallest most complete ethical statement would be: The optimal guide for a good life would be one guided by wisdom and compassion where the definition of wisdom = you must strive to acknowledge your ignorance (admit you may be wrong) & the definition of compassion = you must strive to care without condition (no compassion-ometer). I know it ain't pithy and it ain't too pretty but it's the best I can do.

Unit of mind
Ah imagine if we could measure this? I'm not saying it could end up having the odd discriminatory aspect but on the plus side it could mean reducing the influence of these havoc creating nitwits currently beckoning us all to come squat in their intellectual tar pits.

Flat Pack navy 
I think this was in relation to the Punic wars  and how the Roman Navy suffered initial defeats but then stole a Carthaginian ship and copied it 100 times. Of course the best thing about remembering this time in history is that we tend to just think of it as just Greece and Rome, when really the Carthaginians were the third big player but due to repeatedly pissing off Rome their entire Empire and its achievements have been erased from history. You can almost hear George Orwell's slightly smug sigh.

Like commemorating the life of James Joyce with a celebratory Monster Truck rally
Monster Truck Rallys seem to have passed us by in Europe but I am fairly sure that one day we will all have the ability to go watch large vehicles roll over slightly smaller ones.

That's put a crack in your PlayStation
Ah this is me wandering off down that well IED'd road of trying to appeal to a younger audience.

Uncle Archy Archy Witchetty Grub 
Q. A song? A poem?  A. A load of rubbish.

Geckos lick there own eyeballs
This is true, as is the fact that there are no pictures of this happening available on the web that can be downloaded for less than $150. So if you insist on proof your choices are; 1) have a Google around,
2) take my word for it 3) send me $150 or 4) buy a gecko and wait.

18,003 eyes
I'm assuming something somewhere has 18,003 eyes, or maybe 9,001 people and a pirate.



Notebook 27 Pg 78

The  notes
  • He survived sixteen assassinations attempts, two by his own boss
  • In beauty we find the strength to carry on, and see the reason to do so
  • It does not have to be like this
  • Only the very highest and the very lowest are left to do their own thing
  • Front page, David is in denial, left wing, iron triangle
  • Aerobic, sauna, high vitamin, reality cheer
  • Lots of popular science books, well how about  a scientific popularity book
  • They haven't so much bitten off more than they can chew, as overly chewing on what they have bitten off
  • Vince note to self: Please stop writing so big, we can read! All a bit ransom note don't you think?
The comments
'He survived sixteen assassinations attempts, two by his own boss'
Why did I not write down who this referred to? Research has drawn a blank. Instead for no reason at all here is a picture of the Fourth Wise Monkey

Do no evil

In beauty we find the strength to carry on, and see the reason to do so
I can concur with this.

It does not have to be like this 
No, it probably doesn't, though it would probably help if I included what the alternative could be like.

Only the very highest and the very lowest are left to do their own thing
This is broadly true and similar to the old saying that only two sets of people ignore the law; those that make them and those that break them.

Front page, David in denial, left wing, Iron triangle
 ...Gales Southerly rising slowly. Greenwich Light Vessel Automatic. I am assuming I was not just word associating to pass the time in a waiting room. It is probably something to do with politics as I am aware that the 'Iron Triangle' is what in the United States they call the relationship between Government, Congress and special interest groups. More details here .

Aerobic, sauna, high-vitamin, reality cheer
I can only assume I was listing things that could make me happy. In the end I did none of them, perhaps I was too unhappy to bother which is the recursive bane of depression.

Lots of popular science books, well how about scientific popularity book?
This is just the meaningless jibba jabba of a fool who should be pitied

More T anyone?

They haven't so much bitten off more than they can chew, as overly chewing on what they have bitten off.
 I believe I was referring to those of a conspiratorial bent who seem to take pride in extrapolating large amounts of supposition from small amounts of evidence.  I think I have noted it before, but it bears repeating, that given a small enough map and a big enough pencil you can link anything to anything.

Vince note to self: Please stop writing so big, we can read! All a bit ransom note don't you think.
Alas my camera is on the fritz or else I would have taken a photo to put this into context. Needless to say my writing had become enormous on these pages. I think this was partly the sheer physical will of trying to write anything whilst hopped up on fire water whilst also suffering from that booze induced delusional warping of scale where you think that writing something in big letters makes it important.
It did indeed start to look like I'd kidnapped myself and was sending myself ransom notes.
Luckily, in the end I was released, shaken but unharmed. You can read about it in my book 'My narcissistic Stockholm syndrome and me; How I learnt to let myself go."


Notebook 44 Pg 02

The Notes
  • One foot in the bank the other in a big pile of dog sh dirt
  • Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen
  • Grumbleweeds
  • A Quest Fest
  • Neo-Atlantean
  • Survive, win, get home
  • Trafic cone cheese
  • Elvis Presley's chimp died of cirrhosis from being fed bourbon
The Commentary

One foot in the bank the other in a big pile of dog sh dirt
I can't remember who this was alluding to. I wrote it ages before the credit crunch, perhaps I made up a general insult in advance in the hope of retrospectively applying it.There is nothing like a poorly thought out, lazy, unthinking caricuture to press your buttons - here's one from the 1920's
May as well be titled "Ha Ha Ha" said the Giant Fat Cat "I have just eaten your house and children."

Laurence Llewelyn Bowen
This is an obscure reference to him. Aside from making the very occasional positive comment about his championing the return of the frock coat I can't say LLB has ever really entered my psyche.

These fellows even less so.

Quest Fest
If I ever manage to get Quest Fest off the ground, whatever the heck Quest Fest happen to be, rest assured you will be the first to know.

I think I was trying to say that anyone who subscribes to the theory that Atlantis once or still exists should  remember that back when it was first bandied about by Plato et al it was as a joke, so two thousand years ago they didn't take it seriously yet some people after a further two millennia of history, technology and progress still choose to treat it as fact.  People do find their favorite BS (Belief Systems) difficult to let go, not yours and mine of course, our own BS is entirely reasonable and makes perfect sense.  

Survive, win, get home
Fairly much all that we are all trying to do everyday.

Trafic cone cheese
Nope, I've completely lost me here.  No amount of scratching around the web has provided me with a clue as to what this means. Suggestions welcome.

Elvis Presley's chimp died of cirrhosis from being fed bourbon
Sad story. Notice how this Elvis fan makes light of the poor animal's abuse, and another does too. Blimey  further web searches have opened up a right old can of sideburns on this one. If you have a love of the man I'd probably not read this or this.

Artist's Impression - Elvis is the one in blue.


http://tiny.cc/m7XI8 for more of this artists work


Notebook 06 Pg 156

The Notes
  • Inject soul into money
  • Aria Story recessisttie
  • Queen of the night Aria - Magic flute
  • Spirit is what we are, matter is what we do
  • Prejudice is what you think, discrimination is what you do
  • You gravy-boat kicking, nutmungering chucklehead
  • Listen to your partner with all ears and no choice
  • To choose not to choose is itself a choice
  • Megacephelous
  • "Commodity, firmness and delight" - Vitruvius (V.Imp)
The Commentary

Inject soul into money
A few entries ago I mentioned how 'our greatest gift is often our greatest curse' i.e the person who is self-confident and gets things done is probably guilty of being arrogant and pushy. So it is with money; its greatest curse being its absolute utility - its greatest gift being its absolute utility.
In Hamlet Mr Shakes said 'there is no good nor bad that thinking makes it so'. Money doesn't care where or what it is spent on. All of which is pretty darn obvious until you start to abstract (and you can almost hear your own mind resisting as it really does not enjoy thinking about itself) and dwell upon the fact that it was us that created money in all its absolute utility and all its complete moral neutrality.
Do you have any long hay for my high horse?

Aria Story recessisttie
 I'm guessing I was listening to something on the radio as reccessittie maybe a really bad stab at phonetically spelling 'recitative'. Whereas arias are melodious, recitatives are that not quite-talking not quite-singing thing that Rex Harrison does in My Fair Lady
Rex Harrison neither-fishing-nor-fowling his way through another number

Queen of the night Aria - Magic flute
I think this is a magnificent hairy neck standing tribute to the sublime capacity of the human voice.

Spirit is what we are, matter is what we do
I may have picked this out of a muddy puddle behind the Little Book Of workshop where they cobble phrases like this into bundles and bang them out for five quid a pop.

Prejudice is what you think, discrimination is what you do
This phrase makes a lot more more practical sense then the above.

You gravy-boat kicking, nutmungering chucklehead
 I know not of my precise thinking here. Was I attempting to insult a vegan comedian? Perhaps I was exploding with rage inside a cathedral?  The only reference to nutmungering on the whole of the web was this.  If it is true that Kelloggs do indeed intend lasering the word Kelloggs onto individual cornflakes we may well have found a precise  definition of the word nutmunger as a term for the kind of bat crazy madvertiser who dreams this stuff up and then has the brass balled gumption to say it out loud.
Lazer Flakes. If anyone is thinking of hijacking Branson's spacecraft & heading for a new planet please send me details

Listen to your partner with all ears and no choice
Always, always sage advice.

To choose not to choose is itself a choice
The kind of genuinely smart saying that is nonetheless really annoying to have to hear and which makes you angry with the sayer for having the temerity to say it.

I forgot all about this word. It is a fancy way of saying 'big headed' and in my pursuit of going to self-referencing hellven I'd say that using such a word automatically means one is one.
"Commodity, firmness and delight" - Vitruviu
 The sheer amount of stuff I write and then forget about is maddening. These words are the foundations and principles of sound architecture as written 2,000 years ago by Vitruvius, a man known as the worlds first engineer. In essence in any building you are aiming for;
structural stability, appropriate spatial accommodation, and attractive appearance 
and if you think you may be familiar with his name, this is da Vinci's eponymous  'Vetruvian man'


Notebook 43 Pg 42

The Notes
  • Religion = 1 exists. Science = 0 exists.
  • For tomorrows divas - skin cleanser
  • Keep war, just remove the hurt, pain, death and devastation from it
  • Verends are Vor
  • 1st July Veste Tiller trousers at the royal variety, Queen averted her gaze
  • Take you by the leg and fling you into the darkness
  • I come to bury Po-mo not to praise it
  • Check my moral compass if you don't perceive me
  • In Hollywood you win an Oscar if you don't brush your hair
  • I am the shadow of a dragon, I am the bones of a boy
  • This is going to get some disapproving clucks
The Commentary

Religion= 1 exists. Science = 0 exists
Okay don't go clicking off elsewhere just yet. Religions believe (or should) in a unity and oneness whereas Science developed zero or the ability to 'have' nothingness. Technically they didn't it was Renaissance merchants fed up with the unwieldly Roman counting system that was fine for V's and X's but lacked a way of working out interest rates. But Science embraced it.
We now know that through binary the Universe can be reduced to a series of 1 and 0's and ultimately these can be reduced down to a single 1 and a single 0.
There may or may not be a message of some sort in there somewhere if you look hard enough and squint.

'For tomorrows divas' - skin cleanser
I remember this being a strap line for an advert. To me it is an outstanding example of advertising as an industry devoted to taking away your self-esteem and then selling it back to you.

Keep war, just remove the hurt, pain, death and devastation from it.
I think this would be an excellent idea of removing the negatives whilst retaining all the positive attributes of adventure, excitement, comradery and heroism. Rather sillily I seem to have omitted how this was to be achieved. Ho hum.

Verends are Vor
I don't know what this means. Perhaps I was possessed by Count Dracula practicing his Esperanto. 'Vould you like some more vine? 

1st July Veste Tiller trousers at the royal variety, Queen averted her gaze.
I present Veste Tiller music hall mega star and person I had not known or thought about until I re-read these notes and went and looked her up. I am assuming I was listening, watching or reading something like 'a brief History of Trousers'.    

My googing found these which apparently are standard 1700's Gentleman's attire - you never picture all this rigmarole when your sighing about dripping, dashing Darcy.

Take you by the leg and fling you into the darkness
What you would probably do to the above after an hours grappling to get to the gents.

I come to bury po-mo not to praise it
Ah now see what I've done here?  I have successfully fitted my entire head up my bottom by making a very post-modern statement that negates post-modernism whilst using it. I am as we speak perusing crushed velvet suits on ebay and buffing my epigrams for my entrance into London's fashionable society.

Check my moral compass if you don't perceive me
Somehow I understand the words that I am saying whilst failing to understand that no one else will understand a word that I am saying. 

In Hollywood you win an Oscar if you don't brush your hair
A joke made better by others that the prizes are almost automatically given to anyone who plays a not immediately accessible role.

I am the shadow of a dragon, I am the bones of a boy
Someone must have said this before me. Sounds way too good to have emitted from my garbling throat. Alas the web has proven fruitless as any search with 'shadow, dragon, bones & boy' in it just takes you by the leg and tosses you into the darkness of Everquest, World of Warcraft et al.

This is going to get some disapproving clucks 
Sadly I am not unfamiliar with this noise having authored many acts that have induced it.


Notebook 02 Pg 58

The Notes

  • The living god inside you
  • Coca Cola bleeding ground water robbing communities
  • Blowfish liver
  • Auspicious things
  • When we speak of the future devils laugh
  • The time for prayers is passing
  • Electric sheep
  • Like a goth at a funeral, appropriate clothes and atmosphere but you can't help thinking they may actually be enjoying themselves
Reasons to be cheerful
J.D addiction
J.Dless lady J
Burn off corruption and sin
In the light of your rightful way I will shine
You are the cave in which I will keep
and guard the real treasure worth guarding
  • Give him enough dope and he'll bong himself
The Commentary

The living god inside you
Way too early in the morning to be tossing this one about - combine the ideas of non-conformists, counter culture theorists, some very notable scientists, Buddhist scholars and a big bag of recreational pharmaceuticals and you'll be close to it. 

Coca Cola bleeding ground water robbing communities
This  probably refers to the brilliant Mark Thomas and his investigations into the unimpressive shenanigans of the worlds favourite fizzy brown water maker.

Blowfish liver
This is the one that is really bad for you isn't it? Yes it is. Apparently now comes in non-toxic variety after the death of some 'thrill-seeking amateur cooks'.  Thrill-seeking cooks?

Auspicious things
Are good. My writing it down without context is bad.

When we speak of the future devils laugh.
I've also seen this proverb as 'When.... the gods laugh'. So we mustn't think of the future at all or else both sides of the great cosmic game of silly buggers will laugh. Spiteful gits.

The time for prayers is passing
I appear to have come down with a touch of apocalyptisisis   

Electric sheep
Why I jotted this down  remains unknown. Most readers will know this as reference to the original title of the book Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? which became the film Blade Runner. To bulk out this entry take a gander at this I think he'd have been a bit chuffed a bit flattered and a just a wee bit paranironyoyd.

Like a goth at a funeral; appropriate clothes and atmosphere but you can't help thinking they may actually be enjoying themselves.
This may have been a useful descriptive metaphor but I have singularly failed to say who or what the 'Like a' is in relation to thus rendering it useless.

Reasons to be cheerful
J.D addiction
J.Dless lady J
Burn off corruption and sin
In the light of your rightful way I will shine
You are the cave in which I will keep
and guard the real treasure worth guarding

Is this bit of introspective shabby doggerel really worth any comment?
Reasons to be cheerful must allude to the great Ian Dury's meditation on coping with depression.
JD probably standing for Jack Daniels and Lady J is probably short for Jay which is slang for a joint.
J.Dless is just a nonsensical way of saying no jack daniels.   
So all in all I think this is a wholly unoriginal stoners self-regarding hymn to his high, his herb & his self.  A major problem when you are in a long term relationship with Mary Jane is she can blow your mind but she will keep you in bed long after you should have gone back to work.

Give him enough dope and he'll bong himself
This doesn't really even make sense.



Notebook 05 Pg 88

The Page
The Words On The Page 
  • Like a premature narwhale
  • Frodo Baggins got rich, sold his ring for a rough hewn orcish farm implement
  • Not because there is always 'one more toy in the shop' but because 'how dare the toymaker' and other metaphors that lie tossed aside and broken upon the feast of St Stephen
  • Not the going down but how long you lie down - you stare into the abyss it will break you into omnillion pieces - but you stagger sway your pulpy mess to your feet and start again
  • The abyss is a biatch (sic) of proportions you can not even begin to comprehend, but then again we are human and that whole incomprehendability thing hasn't really stopped us.
  • Cell story (?) bedroom oratory
  • Otherwise you're just making it up
  • Waffle too much
  • The wine of angels
The Words About The Words On The Page

Like a premature narwhale
I wish I'd either  finished or could remember what this metaphor was about, it sounds like it could have been a corker but I can't begin to figure out what is like a premature narwhale other than another premature narwhale.

Frodo Baggins got rich, sold his ring for a rough hewn orcish farm implement
I'm guessing I wrote this after imbibing or else I was studying English at Pembroke College Oxford in 1937 and begged Professor Tolkien to tell me what happened next.

Not because there is always 'one more toy in the shop' but because 'how dare the toymaker' and other metaphors that lie tossed aside and broken upon the feast of St Stephen
The darkness in this gives evidence that this may be the result of one too many pints of vod ale. It is an attempt to articulate rage against our seemingly inherent propensity for 'just one more' in all things. It is explainable I think in the knowledge that our greatest strengths are so often also our greatest weakness; the same 'novelty seeking' trait that leads us to addiction and destructive behaviours is exactly the same one that leads us to discovery and exploration. I admit to being a little pleased with the Boxing day imagery.

Not the going down but how long you lie down - you stare into the abyss it will break you into omnillion pieces - but you stagger sway your pulpy mess to your feet and start again
I don't know, maybe my family put me down for a tortured soul before I was born. I fully appreciate the saying that if you stare into the abyss for long enough it stares back at you.
I quite like the number omnillion.

The abyss is a biatch (sic) of proportions you can not even begin to comprehend, but then again we are human and that whole incomprehendability hasn't really stopped us.
Again with the abyss. I've spent so long staring into the bloody thing I'm probably eligible to have a concession stand next to it. I take comfort in the optimistically recognising the Human capacity not to let a little thing like understanding of what we are up against get in the way of us doing it.

Cell story (?) bedroom oratory
No idea, at a hazardy guess this maybe similar to the Oasis lyric 'tried to start a revolution from your bed' but perhaps I flatter myself.

Otherwise you're just making it up
Yep, sounds about right. It is usually around this time that my brain would start to have an argument with itself and the scribbler part of me would insist on taking notes.

Waffle too much 
See above.

The wine of angels

I'm guessing this is a typical booze fuelled mangling of an expression; I think the original is that 'wine is the tears of angels' . Who knew? 


Notebook 14 Pg 192 et al

The Notes
  • I always think of Nietzsche as a philosophical Davros from Dr Who
  • "King Lear on the verge of madness says: 'I will do such things - what they are I know not - but they shall be the terror of the Earth'. This is Nietzsche's philosophy in a nutshell." Bertrand Russell
  • Notebook ends 25/01/02
  • Free to take your trousers off
  • Tell me I'll forget, show me I might remember, involve me and I'll learn
  • Experience = practical acquaintance
  • License to Think
  • Poltroon = spiritless coward
  • Delation = inform against 
  • Not the size of your boat but the length of your voyage

The Commentary

I always think of Nietzsche as a philosophical Davros from Dr Who
True and I still conflate the two when I see him or read anything he wrote. Then again I suspect that the man who created him had him in mind when he did

"King Lear on the verge of madness says: 'I will do such things - what they are I know not - but they shall be the terror of the Earth'. This is Nietzsche's philosophy in a nutshell." Bertrand Russell
I was so so glad when I read this. I have read a fair bit of Nietzsche's stuff, having surmounted his'do not understand me too quickly'dictum. To be honest there is an awful lot of the kind of bollocks you'd expect from an articulate, intelligent, frustrated, powerless man with a massive superiority complex.  Luckily you don't see many of them around nowadays...

Notebook ends 25/01/02
I then carry on for four more pages. I despair.

Free to take your trousers off
I think I was having a think about the relation between the rule of law versus the rules of convention. For example; armed bank robbers flout the law using violence and intimidation but they will not flout convention by doing the robbery whilst not wearing trousers. Why not?  They obviously do not care for society to such an extent that they  are wiling to kill innocent members of it why yet at the same time are anxious that those they would kill must not get a glimpse of their todger.

Tell me I'll forget, show me I might remember, involve me and I'll learn
A Japanese maxim for education which I think useful.

Experience = Practical acquaintance 
I think it was Sir Keith Joseph who was once heard to remark about his own policies 'I know it works in practice but does it work in theory?' 
Vis a vis nothing at all my Mum used to be a messenger at the Department for Education and Science when he was Minister, he used to let her go up and down in his special lift, (not a euphemism) 'he was lovely and kind' she would say of the man who gave us Thatcherism

License to think; provide instances, state your sources
I am unlicensed but i think I will just quote Bertrand Russell again 'Many's the man who would build a Utopia that he himself could not live within'

Poltroon = Spiritless coward
A word not in common parlance anymore

Delation = inform against
I have never heard this used by anyone yet it seems perfectly useful

Not size of your boat that counts but the length of your voyage
I can't for the life of me remember where the voyage was going but I know that there were 300 people on board traveling at 2mph (less than walking speed) for 9 months on a boat less than 200ft long. All very well but the impact is lost if I can't remember where they were going or who was doing it.


Notebook 09 Pg 06 et al

The Notes
  • Quaerendo Invenietis
  • 'Oh for gawds sake shut up and give your ears a chance.'
  • During the Northern Ireland peace process initial negotiations were held in a remote cottage. Both sides took it in turns to bring in the coal and clean the grate. 
  • 'I opened the door and there was the chief of the IRA wearing paisley pyjamas, I said ' I'm going to take a photo and send it to Ian Paisley, tell him how you think of him every night.'
  • Get your long Johns on we are in for a frozen period
  • Ignore scientific parsimony and shoot for the baroque
  • Ill informed people disagreeing with one another
  • In 14th Century the Church banned silence, The 2 minute silence on November 5th brings biggest audience to radio
  • I don't believe in finite resources - Michael Portillo R4
  • Hail Mary full of Grace, help me find a parking place
The Commentary

Quaerendo Invenietis
Is yer Latin lingo for 'by seeking you shall discover'. 

'Oh for gods sake, shut up and give your ears a chance.'
Overheard in a bar

During the Irish peace process initial negotiations were held in a remote cottage. Both sides took it in turns to bring in coal and clean the grate. 
Whilst listening to a documentary about the peace process this tiny observation on domestic procedures Humanised both sides and gave me a curiously positive hope for the future.    

'I opened the door and there was the chief of the IRA wearing paisley pyjamas, I said ' I'm going to take a photo and send it to Ian Paisley, tell him how you think of him every night.'
This quote during the same documentary only served to add to the above feeling.

I said 'get your Long Johns on we are in for a frozen period'
Again from the above and despite its negative connotations the dark humour shines through.

Ignore scientific parsimony and shoot for the baroque
This was a nice line I heard about our Human pig headed insistence on refusing to use  Occams Razor

Ill informed people disagreeing with one another
Step 1)  Take entire Internet
Step 2)  Throw rock
Result)  Congratulations you have hit an example of the above

In 14th Century the Church banned silence. The two minute silence on November 5th brings biggest audience to radio
A short programme on silence enlightened me as to these facts which ironically says a lot.

'I don't believe in finite resources' - Michael Portillo R4
A wise man once said 'reality is that which when you stop believing in it doesn't go away'.
And he is completely right, for example I've never believed in Michael Portillo and no matter how hard I try he doesnt' go away.

Hail Mary full of Grace, help me find a parking place 
A summary of many people's Belief System or people's BS for short


Notebook 11 Pg 172 et al

The Notes
  • Envy is the basis of democracy
  • In Arabic the word atheism translates to 'ilhad' which also means heresy
  • First comes the rule, then come the exception, then the exception becomes the rule
  • Tribbing idiot
  • Porlockin hordes
  • Our collective maturation awaits us
  • Vatican concepts of law describe the way things would be if men were angels
  • How is it that the simple act of watching a homeless man brush his hair cause me such an aching heart?
  • Squirrel fishing - using a walnut on a string
The Commentary

Envy is the basis of democracy 
One of those statements that means so much more if you chew on it for a bit.
It was said by Bertrand Russell in his book The Conquest of Happiness which like all Bertie's books I'd urge you to consume not only for his smarts but his writing is peppered with an outstanding dry wit. For example; when asked aged around 80 why he hadn't written his biography he said 'well my life isn't over yet and who's to say what will happen? I may become President of Mexico and  people would find it strange I'd neglected to mention it.'

In Arabic the word atheism translates to 'ilhad' which also means heresy
I've always thought this may go some way to providing an insight into some of the more inflammatory lack of understanding between Islamic and Western thought. But hey what do I know?

First comes the rule, then come the exception, then the exception becomes the rule
As a random example of this watch any British sit-com and see how many unsympathetic characters now deliver lines with the same 1000 yard un-self-aware stare of David Brent.

Tribbing idiot
I'm always fond of un-rude rude swears.

Porlockin hordes
I have found that vast swathes of these irritants can reach every corner of the planet.
It is all but guaranteed that no sooner have I arrived in some extremely remote spot for a brief moment of contemplative solitude then I will hear a blithely chaffing kagool.

Our collective maturation awaits us 
Maybe it does. This may have been improved had I mentioned how, when or where it would happen.

Vatican concepts of law describe the way things would be if men were angels
Reminds me of The Simpson's quote. Bart asks Homer what religion they are?
"I don't know son, one with all the good ideas that don't work in the real world.'

How is it that the simple act of watching a homeless man brush his hair cause me such an aching heart?
I recall that I wrote this outside a bar in Manhattan when I saw this guy and it did choke me up.
I've spent many years working hands on with homeless people in London so whilst never inured to their plight I am accustomed to the sights and smells, but this was different. Perhaps,  having lived in New York for two years the shine had for me come off the Big Apple and I was therefore more  aware of the underclass on the streets that went mostly ignored by those busy living the American dream.
Maybe as the saying goes in a land of illusion only the disillusioned are free. Maybe it is the harsh but I think fair self-evident truth that there is only one real commandment in America and that is  'thou shalt not be poor'.
I just know that this single act of personal grooming long after he had passed unkempt and was living in rags was this bittersweet beautiful, tiny, defiant act of self-determination. 

Squirrel Fishing - using a walnut on a string 
I'm kind of hoping that I actually saw someone in Central Park doing this but I don't think I did. 


Notebook 03 Pg 37

The Notes
  • 'Nothing will ever make me forget the hideousness of this evening.'
  • Ramises II - 'anyone who reads this will be executed'
  • Man-orchid
  • Don't come out of the door you went in
  • Philip Kindred Dick
  • Noise driving out signal
  • The homing signal/ beacon is the capacity to conceptualise and understand the need for a  homing signal
  • Hysteron proteron
  • Penguins of mass destruction
The Commentary

'Nothing will ever make me forget the hideousness of this evening'
I'm just hoping this wasn't said by someone at the end of our first, and probably last, date.

Ramises II - 'anyone who reads this will be executed'
From a time when motivational posters really meant something.

..and have one yourself barman.?  Sorry, but I have no idea what this means or stands for.

Beyond this being an idea for a really colourful but delicate super hero I can only think
1) Orchid translates as testicle or 2) I was thinking about a documentary I once watched about an Orchid obsessive man who was captured by FARC guerrillas in the rain forests of S.America. He was held hostage for nine months. later in an interview with his captors they said "We just grew sick and tired of him talking about nothing but bloody orchids, orchids, orchids all the time. The deeper we went into the forest the rarer the orchids which just made him more and more excited. In the end we let him go,"
Now, I've read my fair share of Andy McNab and the rest of the 'Kills & Boom' genre but never once do I remember any member of any Special Force ever mentioning over enthusiastic botany as an escape technique. Here he is .

Don't come out of the door you went in
I believe this is advice for use whilst undergoing deep, esoteric exploration of ones own psyche rather than me having jotted down instructions given whilst passing through a freshly painted room.

Philip Kindred Dick
Who knew that the K in the great, if greatly troubled writer and philosphonaut's name stood for Kindred?

Noise driving out signal
P.K was into information theory which very basically states that genuine communication can only occur between equals. Thus things (or people) that are not tuned in to signals are not going to pick up information (signal) as they will only interpret it as noise.  The technical definition of noise being that which lacks coherence. I will stop now as it is way too early in the ever-at-all for this.

The homing signal is the capacity to conceptualise and understand the need for a homing signal
I seem to recall this as being an original piece of research/ half-baked insight of my own; that maybe Humanity can only find its way home once we understand the importance of homing signals and that when this moment of understanding occurs then we become aware of its signal.  A warning that if you read a lot of PK Dick books you start to think at right angles like this all the time. Beep

Hysteron proteron
"Putting on your shoes and socks" is an example of this, as is the Odyssey.
I promise to give you ten of your basic currency units if knowing this is ever of any use to you.
Penguins of mass destruction
Hmm...this might have worked if my name rhymed with Meddy Rizzard.


Notebook 42 Pg 61

 The Notes
  • DAO
  • You are four people; who you were, are and could be (will be?)
  • House of the rising Sun
  • Desticular
  • Bulbous
  • 'He's got a bottle of instant orgy'  'Yeah but why the nylon knickers?'
  • 'If you're a bald gay dog I'm right up there'
  • Scroll holding midgets
The Commentary

If I confessed an interest in comparative religions should I set up a website called Comparethemartyr.com? Sorry.  I am at a loss as to why I wrote the single word Dao. I am assuming it is the great spiritual tradition I wss alluding to and not the acronym for Dead On Arrival in which case maybe I was prophesising the fate of the comparethemartyr joke. 

You are four people; who you were, are and could be (will be?)
This is a short riffed/ mangled version on the quote that a person is always three people: who they think they are, how they think other people see them and how other people actually see them.
In retrospect the original is so much better than mine

House of the rising Sun
This song may be a recurring feature in my notes mostly because of an anecdote I have about having a fight with a boy called Stefan who was Jimi Hendrix's Manager's son (Chaz Chandler from the Animals) who then came round my house for a cup of tea with my dad, Mr Chandler did, not his son or Hendrix. I'll spare you.

Hmm? Desticular is not a real word, though sounds like it should be; alluding to removal of manhood perhaps, or a fancy term for cutting the complete bollocks from a thing; for example an over explanatory document or blog entry.

No context just a great word 

'He's got a bottle of instant orgy'
'Yeah but why the nylon knickers
I guess you had to be there, not sure I was.

'If you're a bald gay dog I'm right up there'

See above.

'Scroll holding midgets'
I must have dreamt this as it would be a fairly rare sight in reality. Saying that though, if you want to recreate the dream this site  may help though to avoid disappointment I'd probably avoid bookings around March 17th.


Notebook 24 Pg 30

The Notes
  • The tudors ate porpoise
  • Spit Boy, Groom of the stool
  • Actors had their ears cut off
  • Woad stank
  • Wargasm
  • CIA to promote Kenny Rogers
  • Biography of Eminem in Farsi
  • Crepuscular decisions
The Commentary

The Tudors ate porpoise
It would probably be easier to list the things the Tudors didn't eat. Reminds me of the ad campaign for the Howard Stern radio show in which he is quoted as saying 'I'm all for animal welfare but if I'm hungry I'll eat a panda sandwich.' 

Spit Boy, Groom of the stool
The spit-boy was the lowest job in medieval kitchens  and this young lads entire job was to turn the spit. The Groom of the Stool on the other hand was a much coveted position in the English court as it gave the holder access to the Monarch's ear alone and in private. The downside to this was that privacy and intimacy came at the cost of your job being to literally wipe the royal arse.

Actors had their ears cut off
Glance at your fame gorged media and ask was this such a bad thing? 

Woad stank
Apparently it really did hum to high heaven which may explain its current rarity.

Thing that the big boys on either side of most conflicts seem to get off on. In order to achieve wargasm you need lots of men in uniform and an array of instrument capable of very deep penetration.

CIA to promote Kenny Rogers
Do you reckon this is promote as in accelerate his rank? I don't think he was in the CIA was he? Or does this mean promote as in 'endorse and enthuse his work?'  Inw hich case if I was the sable bearded one I don't think I would welcome or need any form of backing from the CIA to help shift my particular brand of calorie free country music, especially abroad.
I did think about trying to work in an 'illegal rendition' quip but decided against it 

Biography of Enemen in Farsi
I'm guessing this is probably available given Marshal's world wide acclaim. Why I wrote it down will probably have to remain a mystery. Perhaps I heard Coward of the County on the radio which activated my sleeper cell code sending me out to buy a copy of a book I can neither read nor have any interest in.

Crepuscular decisions
I like crepuscular as its a fancy term for dusk. I may have coined this phrase as referring to those ideas and notions that seem like a really good idea just as you fall asleep but which turn out the next day to have more holes than a Jarlsberg Aero.


Notebook 41 Pg 27

The Notes
  • 0.000000000000000000000000000000001cm = Planck Distance
  • Workable ideas are the source of all wealth
  • Art maps, science manipulates
  • Brittle or Ductile
  • Those who rule symbols rule us
  • Life always aims at higher coherence
  • Mind made. A mind made everything you own
The Commentary

0.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000001cm = Planck Distance
This number represents the smallest known distance from one thing to another.
It is 10,00000000000000000000 times smaller than a proton. I have spent not inconsiderable amounts of time attempting to understand the teeny-weeny, wibbly-wobbly, often-close-to-complete-bolloxy world of quantum. So imagine my delight upon this morning finding out that the above number may have 'no physical significance' at all.

Workable ideas are the source of all wealth
My Uncle Bob taught me this by way of his Uncle Bucky.
Like most greats sayings the more you chew on it the more flavour it releases into your brain.

Art maps, science manipulates
As good a distinction as I've ever found.

Brittle or Ductile
Most stuff tends to fall into either of these characteristics: if it is brittle it will first crack and eventually snap leaving you with two or more distinct bits. These should, with a bit of care fit back together though you may always be aware of the join.
If the stuff is ductile then it will warp and stretch (like chewing gum) before breaking.  It will probably not return to its original shape. On the other hand you may be able to mold and form it into something usable. These definitions also apply to non physical things like ideas and relationships.

Those who rule symbols rule us
I am sorely tempted to insert a load of those Dingbat thingies in here just to drop some facetiousness into an entry inclined to worthiness.  These will do -  :-), :-(, :-0 etc.  

Life always aims at higher coherence
This is true. Your thing which you are using to read this thing which I have made via my thing which is now connected to over a billions other of these things is all part of that higher coherence.
We tend to have difficulty seeing it in the same way a long line of ants walking up a tree can't see the whole forest.  I just know that if that metaphor were real I'd be an Attenborough Ant; tasked with lugging the great big bit of leaf on his own despite being surrounded by thousands of empty mandibled mates.

Mind made. A mind made everything you own
Again another saying courtesy of Uncle Bob and one that means a lot if you chew on it a bit.

Right lesson over, you may go out side and play Bulldog or I suppose its Pop Idol now. Off you go.



Notebook 07 Pg 29

The Notes

  • Keythong
  • 40,000BC
  • Heracles Cousin hydra
  • You only need two rocks to build on
  • Human Beliefers
  • Trying Pram + Cool
  • Middle preeza
  • Middlegintia = Good
The Commentary

Blimey, this is obscure even by my standards. Apparently there is one reference to a keythong in all of history. It pertains to a male griffin which is explanatory but not helpful. I know that griffins guard treasure but the only treasure I have is that big bag of gold buried under that big tree in that park in Central London I was telling you about.
I did spend a few years being babysat by a woman called Mrs Griffin who was lovely and garrulous but had a terrifying temper and the quietest Husband ever (maybe not by choice) ever. I suppose I could have been alluding to him as a keythong but that's a straw clutcher if ever I heard one.

Should be BCE if we were to be post-moderningly correct.
I think this probably relates to the first evidence for; crops/ domesticated animals/ wheels/ make-up/ the name Gerald. Usually does, obviously we were all very busy that year.

Heracles Cousin hydra
I must have been reading a book on ancient myths. I'm guessing I meant lolaus who was Hercules'  (Heracles') nephew and gave him a firebrand to help his Uncle kill the Hydra during his ten Labours.
I seem to recall that this act of semi-filial smarts was subsequently discounted by the gods as cheating so Herc had to go and do another two. Nice to know that even back then the powerful were determined to dump crappy sequels on us.

You only need two rocks to build on
How many times do I have to tell you?

Human Beliefers
For use when the perfectly proper word believer just will not do.

Trying Pram + Cool
This must be an observation garnered whilst preambulating around my native Camden Town and seeing lots of parents still clinging to the notion that pushing a pram is in no way at odds with the pursuit of epiderminaly shallow trendiness.  Well it is very at odds and as age changingly effective as a five year old tottering around in mum's beads and heels*.

Middle preeza
No idea and no interest in trying to find out, probably because I am still smarting a bit from above rant.

Middlegintia = Good
A conflation of Middle class and intelligentsia perhaps?  This idea would never hold water in my neck of the European woods where one of the most clever things clever people do is keep quiet about their  cleverness.

 *I only did it six or seven times at most


Notebook 37 Pg 87

The Notes

Poethos Fallacy

How I envy those possessed with gift of words,
That shame my effluent, half-digested turds.
Those that spin gold yarns with ease,
Compared to this moulded half-rotted cheese.
Who rhyme and scan so properly,
Not with my awkward-squared monotonopoly.
Who assemble best words in best orders,
Unlike my garbled gibberish furores.
Who focus on the myth rule of verse,
and not my Tourettian poethic curse.
Conclude; there's something not right in my head,
My muses have quite rightly fled.

The Commentary
How I envy those possessed with gift of words,
That shame these effluent half-digested turds.
Those that spin gold yarns  etc...

My only possible defense your Honor is that I must have been very drunk when I wrote this drivel. 

Can anyone hear this man's ghost  bewailing his lost title?

What more  can I say that isn't best summed up in the words of  PC McGarry Number 452 :
                         "Oh deary, deary me."



Notebook 18 Pg 98

The Notebook
  • Clarity day
  •  'I treat everyone the same from World statesman right down to someone I couldn't give a monkeys about'.  Count Arthur Strong
  • I have but one smallish ambition, to give Humanity the gift that pell-mell Prometheus left behind in his haste to exit Olympus. His was the freedom of fire mine is the fire of freedom
  • The endless mighty river that is history.
  • He's nice but not useful - the kind of man who would offer a drowning man a free haircut.
  • I hate slings, I detest arrows and the least said about seas of trouble the better.
  • There's some twat on this train reading the economist. He's perusing a magazine that aims to give a global perspective whilst entirely unaware that his frigging rucksack is prodding and jabbing  all the people two inches from his stupid un-self-aware face.
The Commentary

Clarity day
May as well start as we mean to go on. I am not sure if this was something I was having or if I was suggesting that the world should have one, Like St Patrick's Day only that on Clarity day we could all aim to see things (including ourselves) clearly and rationally so for example my Mum would on this day wake up and say ' Today I realise that I have spent 4/5 of my life being pissy and derogatory to all my children and I will now reform and strive to become a nice person'. Fat chance.

'I treat everyone the same from World statesman right down to someone I couldn't give a monkeys about'.  Count Arthur Strong
Only possible improvement would be changing it to monkey two hoots.

I have but one smallish ambition, to give Humanity the gift that pell mell Prometheus left behind in his haste to exit Olympus. His was the freedom of fire mine is the fire of freedom.
...another large glass of hubris mein host! The thing being that I honestly believe (d) this stuff as I wrote/write it and I know full well it will not be the last time I scribble something so infused with such faux grandiloquent pomposity

The endless mighty river that is history
Its not even as if this is a particularly note worthy phrase is it?

He's nice but not useful - the kind of man who would offer a drowning man a free haircut
I think this is way too good to have originated within my paltry loaf so it has to be Noel or Oscar or some such.

I hate slings, I detest arrows and the least said about seas of trouble the better.
Doing this with this  ain't impressing anyone but yourself Vincent, then again  maybe like the pondering musings of the original I may be being my own worse critic.
        If you have only ever seen or heard the whole 'to be or not to be' soliloquy out of context or had it forced upon you I urge further investigation. It is IMHO in all my studies the finest meditation upon life and the struggles it puts upon us ever written by any human being ever - and all this coming from a man who never ever signed his own name the same way twice!

There's some twat on this train reading the economist. He's perusing a magazine that aims to give a global perspective whilst entirely unaware that his frigging rucksack is prodding and jabbing all the people two inches from his stupid un-self-aware face.
From the sublime to the ridiculous in one short paragraph. He was doing this and it was flipping annoying which is why in true English fashion I chose to display my irkiness by writing it down and saving my rage laced revenge for years to come knowing that one day I would shame him on the interwebs for all to see. Cut to man right now reading  whilst wholly unaware that by my writing this then mentally his stupid prodding rucksack is still jabbing me. Arghh


Notebook 16 Pg 130

The Notes

     - He ate his parents?
     - No. he only ate his Mom, apparently he was was saving his Dad for
     - That's festive.
  • Ding Dong mad Song Quasi Clapper Mondo.
     - There's a degree of contention surrounding his ability to abstract beyond the first power.
     - Dude that's just a real fancy way of saying the man's an idiot.

  • Life often appears to offer a harsh binary choice between being a rich bastard or a poor idiot.
  • CorpoNation.
  • My life path seemingly carved out by an abstract painter designing a labyrinth using a corkscrew ruler and a rubber compass.
  • A global phenomenon; weapon shops, porn, homeless people and drugs appear to cluster around transport hubs.
The Commentary

- He ate his parents?
- No. he only ate his Mom, apparently he was was saving his Dad for Thanksgiving.
- That's festive.
 Just a brilliant bit of dialogue overheard on a cop show.

Ding Dong mad Song Quasi Clapper Modo.
Today's bit of unintelligible writing was brought to you by Drivel Pour Homme.
I honestly did try hard to resist saying that this line does ring a bell, but couldn't.

- There's a degree of contention surrounding his ability to abstract beyond the first power. 
- Dude that's just a real fancy way of saying the man's an idiot.
This sounds suspiciously like the over egged dialogue I would give to two of my badly drawn in charred coal characters.

Life often appears to offer a harsh binary choice between being a rich bastard or a poor idiot.
I believe an original thought and one I still hold to be broadly accurate.

I bet Michael Moore peers under his bed every morning for fear that I am there waiting to snatch his liberal commentator crown

My life path seemingly carved out by an abstract painter designing a labyrinth using a corkscrew ruler and a rubber compass.
Another example of me pinning a metaphor down and torturing it to within a fruit fly's foreskinch of its life

A global phenomenon - weapon shops, porn, homeless people and drugs appear to cluster around transport hubs. 
This is true; railways, bus stations, ports and, to a slightly more sophisticated extent, airports all seem to  cater to the base instincts of humanity, providing the ability to purchase with anonymity the so called naughty things you want without having to bear the burden of shame society has built around them.
 They are also often the habitat of our most lost souls. I guess these places are by their nature worlds of transience, they lack permanence, not somewhere to fix an identity even if you wanted to as almost everyone is just passing through and does not or can not 'know' you well.  Here in amongst the crowds the less fortunate tend to be ignored - which for many is better than the accusations and taunts out on the streets. Here temporarily they are on a more equal footing with the rest of society who, whilst in these places are also being tramps all be its in its original meaning.
Transport hubs represent the most physical manifestation of our love of borders, our need to be at the edge of things. Beyond these are the unexplored bits that lie beyond our territory after here we will be literally outside of our comfort zone.


Notebook 16 Pg 113

The Notebook 

  • Dinner Alone at the Union City Diner, New Jersey
  • Mind shank
  • Beginning to think the phrase 'wise guy' is appropriate
  • Enough velour to refurbish the entire Teletubbie home world
  • The doe-eyed, sloe-eyed, pantie glimpsing fawn with the guy who looked like he'd need to contact customers services to fasten the velcro on his shoes
  • The incredible edible food, leftovers that would feed the rest of the world forever
  • Babblespanic hubble
  • Banquet coats stands
  • Constant demanding, unsure if it is rightful or not
  • Hispanic and Nandu had held a global art competition
  • The Bruce Lee of gits, I kid you not he was shadow boxing whilst ordering, not helped by the do- eyed, slo-eyed beauty who had obviously sneaked out of Pharaoh's bedroom to be with this mobile gristle
The Commentary

Dinner Alone at the Union City Diner New Jersey

Finally a page that alludes to an event with a modicum of continuous narrative.
You have to imagine a Sunday in deep Winter the night as bleak and bitter as a disinherited terminally ill lemon, that I was possibly the only pedestrian in the entire Tri-State area and that I had walked for a good two hours through ice cold rain along streets that resented having to have side walks. Across a nine lane intersection I spied this diner that like a lot of places in America looked like something straight out of a film...

Mind shank
Mentally I was on a real low and this was how I felt the world had treated me or maybe what I wanted to do to the world. I was very cold.

Beginning to think the word wise guys may be appropriate

Already catching suspicious glances as I was the only person who had arrived without veHicular accompaniment I began to have my own worries as I became aware of the demographic nature of my fellow diners

Enough velour to refurbish the Teletubbie home world
This was true, both the banquttes and almost all the patrons had chosen this as their fabric of choice: the furniture had opted for deep red whilst the women sported a more diverse pallet ranging from I-should-not-be-worn-by-anyone-over-nine pink to dripping dipstick brown.  

The doe-eyed, sloe-eyed pantie glimpsing fawn with the guy who looked like he'd need to contact customers services to fasten the velcro on his shoes
This couple were right in my eye line. She was genuinely breathtakingly beautiful and wore her velour track suit bottoms very low so at front and back her G-string came way up above the waist band, (beauty and classy being two entirely different things)  He genuinely looked as if he'd be taking that breath via your flapping windpipe if he caught you noticing. I remember being scared that he would read these notes, I tried to reassure myself that his dining companion's casual display of knickerage probably rendered the existence of anything beyond his oft broken nose negligible.

The incredible edible food, leftovers that would feed the rest of the world forever.

I'm sure anyone who has ever had dinner in the USA is aware of this phenomenon where you can end a meal with more on your plate than you start with anywhere else.

Babblespanic hubble

I don't speak Spanish or Italian beyond the 'yes, no, thanks, excuse me, two beers please,'so this combined with the clink-plate clank of cutlery was the best description of the atmosphere of the place.

Banquet coats stands
Wouldn't be the same if I didn't have at least one line of obvious and /or nonsense.

Constant demanding, unsure if it is rightful or not
An American trait is the self-assured, perfectly within their rights demands that they put on the staff, who, in return for this constant high service, will expect a decent tip. In the UK diners will often struggle after four hours to ask politely whether their starter will be arriving anytime soon?

Hispanic and Nandu had held a global art competition

This could have worked if I knew who Nandu? Do you?

The Bruce Lee of gits, I kid you not he was shadow boxing whilst ordering, not helped by the doe-eyed sloe-eyed beauty who had obviously sneaked out of Pharaohs' bedroom to be with this mobile gristle
I know full well that by this point my lonely shriveled single self was dining alone with only a table of  green eyed monsters for company but I promise you he was really doing this - with the menu flat on the table he was left-jab, right-jab, one-two, one two-ing whilst she looked on in rapturous delight as if nothing in the world could possibly be more scintillating then this display of brute thuggerybuggeryness. Did I mention I was a bit jealous?


Notebook 09 Pg 10

The Notebook
  • 1/4/08 Regents Park bench
  • Handful of dirt-drill ice core Argos catalogue tacky shit
  • Pediatric heart surgeon whose greatest passion is flying
  • Alex Jennings Voice
  • What's a gummeltwizzler
  • Speed of brain
  • Peter Souter Goldfish Girl
  • Submarine horror story
  • Invisible hand' only used three times Scottish metaphor for providence
The Commentary

01/4/08 Regents Park bench
You would think that as this notebook was written less than two years ago I would have a better recall of events, alas no. I have marked for posterity where and when but not why. What a fool I was that day. 

Handful of dirt-drill ice core Argos Catalogue tacky shit
Let us join together and pray to St Turing and the holy Enigma to guide us in this, our hour of most mysterious dross. This had to be two separate entries doesn't it?  Argos does indeed sell a lot of tacky shit but doesn't as far as I'm aware sell many dirt drills for ice cores.

Pediatric heart surgeon whose greatest passion is flying
If you are a man this is supposed to be the best thing to be if you hope to succeed in speed dating

Alex Jennings Voice
An actor heard somewhere - has a very hypnotic quality. I am feeling a bit sleepy typ....zzzzz

What's a gummeltwizzler?
I have no idea and  t'internets has come up a blank. Feel free to enlighten me.

Speed of brain
I have put three points on my mind license for failing to stop and report a notion.

Peter Souter Goldfish Girl
I remember this was an excellent radio play on BBC R4 - I found the below on the Telegraph website - hence I guess the Alex Jennings reference previously

"Afternoon Play: Goldfish Girl
Radio 4, 2.15pm
A bold, striking, beautiful play about love and loss, one in the eye for the moaners who write to Feedback about the plays on afternoon theatre driving them nuts. It’s by Peter Souter and stars Juliet Stevenson as a young woman, bright, engaging, perceptive, who’s in hospital. A man, played by Alex Jennings, comes to see her. He knows her but she doesn’t recognise him. Her attention span is as short as that of a goldfish, her memory has gone. His hasn’t and what it holds is painful. "

I can't remember now why I was so fascinated in a play about a person with memory problems.

Submarine horror story
Without wishing to morph into a review website, I think I was talking about this film titled 'Below' which actually sounds quite good. I might watch it, thanks for the tip two-years-ago me.
Invisible hand' only used three times. Was a Scottish metaphor for providence.
This is in reference to Adam Smith and his seminal work The Wealth of Nations in which the now pan-global idiom for forces of the free market 'invisible hand' was only ever used three times in the whole book. This may or may not be of any significance whatsoever.