
Notebook 43 Pg 42

The Notes
  • Religion = 1 exists. Science = 0 exists.
  • For tomorrows divas - skin cleanser
  • Keep war, just remove the hurt, pain, death and devastation from it
  • Verends are Vor
  • 1st July Veste Tiller trousers at the royal variety, Queen averted her gaze
  • Take you by the leg and fling you into the darkness
  • I come to bury Po-mo not to praise it
  • Check my moral compass if you don't perceive me
  • In Hollywood you win an Oscar if you don't brush your hair
  • I am the shadow of a dragon, I am the bones of a boy
  • This is going to get some disapproving clucks
The Commentary

Religion= 1 exists. Science = 0 exists
Okay don't go clicking off elsewhere just yet. Religions believe (or should) in a unity and oneness whereas Science developed zero or the ability to 'have' nothingness. Technically they didn't it was Renaissance merchants fed up with the unwieldly Roman counting system that was fine for V's and X's but lacked a way of working out interest rates. But Science embraced it.
We now know that through binary the Universe can be reduced to a series of 1 and 0's and ultimately these can be reduced down to a single 1 and a single 0.
There may or may not be a message of some sort in there somewhere if you look hard enough and squint.

'For tomorrows divas' - skin cleanser
I remember this being a strap line for an advert. To me it is an outstanding example of advertising as an industry devoted to taking away your self-esteem and then selling it back to you.

Keep war, just remove the hurt, pain, death and devastation from it.
I think this would be an excellent idea of removing the negatives whilst retaining all the positive attributes of adventure, excitement, comradery and heroism. Rather sillily I seem to have omitted how this was to be achieved. Ho hum.

Verends are Vor
I don't know what this means. Perhaps I was possessed by Count Dracula practicing his Esperanto. 'Vould you like some more vine? 

1st July Veste Tiller trousers at the royal variety, Queen averted her gaze.
I present Veste Tiller music hall mega star and person I had not known or thought about until I re-read these notes and went and looked her up. I am assuming I was listening, watching or reading something like 'a brief History of Trousers'.    

My googing found these which apparently are standard 1700's Gentleman's attire - you never picture all this rigmarole when your sighing about dripping, dashing Darcy.

Take you by the leg and fling you into the darkness
What you would probably do to the above after an hours grappling to get to the gents.

I come to bury po-mo not to praise it
Ah now see what I've done here?  I have successfully fitted my entire head up my bottom by making a very post-modern statement that negates post-modernism whilst using it. I am as we speak perusing crushed velvet suits on ebay and buffing my epigrams for my entrance into London's fashionable society.

Check my moral compass if you don't perceive me
Somehow I understand the words that I am saying whilst failing to understand that no one else will understand a word that I am saying. 

In Hollywood you win an Oscar if you don't brush your hair
A joke made better by others that the prizes are almost automatically given to anyone who plays a not immediately accessible role.

I am the shadow of a dragon, I am the bones of a boy
Someone must have said this before me. Sounds way too good to have emitted from my garbling throat. Alas the web has proven fruitless as any search with 'shadow, dragon, bones & boy' in it just takes you by the leg and tosses you into the darkness of Everquest, World of Warcraft et al.

This is going to get some disapproving clucks 
Sadly I am not unfamiliar with this noise having authored many acts that have induced it.

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