
Notebook 20 Pg 44

The  notes
  • 356,000 miles per second per second
  • The ony way to achieve the speed of light is to have less and less mass at end. To cross over you must have no mass.
  • Dungenesque
  • Computational complexity theory - what resources? (time memory enrgy etc)
  • The infinite multiples of the multiverse become the infinite variations of the actual (our) Universe
  • Like shouting at people to go to sleep
  • X-Files - Believe nothing they say' = That's not skepticism that's credulity in reverse.
  • Velcro pockets
The commentary

356,000 miles per second per second
The speed of light, the fastest anything can travel in the known Universe. A very close second is the speed between the Daily Mail printing an article on immigration and receiving its first outraged letter.

The only way to achieve the speed of light is to have less and less mass at end. 
To cross over you must have no mass.
Obviously this was a whole day spent attempting to find ways to overturn the fundamental laws of the Universe.

There is a nuclear powers station  in Dungeness so this could be in relation to the above, but I like to think I coined this neologism as a tribute to the ethereal other worldly beauty of the land (or mind)scape.

Computational complexity theory - what resources? (time memory enrgy etc)
I assume these are just some jottings I put down whilst I awaited completion of my huge secret underground base.

The infinite multiples of the multiverse become the infinite variations of the actual (our) Universe
This could be true and I will prove it just as soon as we develop the capacity to pop in to the Universe next-door.

Like shouting at people to go to sleep
A metaphor for exacerbating situations.

X-Files: "Believe nothing they say" = That's not skepticism that's credulity in reverse.
On par with the phrase if you believe in nothing you will believe anything.

Velcro pockets
Another money spinner that quite rightly never left the Research & Development Centre in my head.

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